11 things to do when the football is on

Saturday, 19 November 2016 England, UK

Does anyone else have a football obsessed other half? I don’t know about you but I am so bored of hearing who has scraped their knee and what Liverpool's new kit will look like. YAWN!! Okay so I understand that they’re passionate about the sport but a game is 90 minutes long and we haven’t even started to talk about the pre and post match interviews yet. Me and my boyfriend rarely get weekends off together so that 90 minutes means a lot to me. I am a nice girlfriend though and if we aren’t doing anything special then I won’t moan about it being on. Instead I try to keep myself entertained, so here's my list things to do in that 90 minutes.

1.     Nap
YESSSS!! It’s been a long week and that 90 minutes is perfect for a cheeky cat nap. I’ve grown accustom to falling asleep to the sound of a crowd cheering. As long as you can stay asleep during the goal celebrations and the totally unfair red card that the ref has just pulled out his back pocket, then you’re golden.

2.     Watch some videos on youtube
 If you’re obsessed with watching vlogs like I am, then I am sure there are some videos which will keep you happily entertained for hours.


3.     Netflicks
 If you haven’t already then download the Netflicks app on your phone or tablet, you can easily watch a film or two episodes of the latest series you’re gripped too in that time. Football time is when I catch up on Greys Anatomy.

4.     Bake
This delicious idea is probably one of my favorites. I LOVE cooking, baking and everything food related. So searching Pintrest for a tasty recipe is my idea of heaven. 90 minutes is more than enough time to whip up some brownies or cupcakes. 

5.     Read
You will probably have to leave the room for this one, but read that book that’s been sitting on your bedside table for a month.  

6.     Do your hair or make up
I love playing with my hair and make up, to be fair I would do this even If the football wasn’t on. But watch some Youtube tutorials and make yourself look fancy AF.

7. Paint your nails
Hands or toes … or both. You’ve got the time.

8. Go for a walk
Go for a walk. Even if you don’t go out for the whole time or just pop to the shops down the road, the fresh air will do you some good.


9. Exercise
Urgh!! Sorry, don’t hate me. But if you’ve got nothing else to do then why not. You can loose 300 calories for half an hour work on the exercise bike. 

10. Social media

Facebook, Instergram, Snapchat, Pintrest, Twitter, Bloglovin, Youtube etc. etc. I am sure there is enough here to keep you entertained for hours


 11. You could try watching the game? 
I know, you’ve tried before and you get bored AF but would you really want to miss that player from that team break his leg hahaha. Injuries are the only entertaining thing about football, lets be real. Oh and sometimes there's a cat.



  1. YAY I'M SO HAPPY YOU STARTED A BLOG! I love it already! :D I am dying at the GIFs hahahaha! xxxx


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