"I solemnly swear I am up to no good"
If you're 20 something, you probably love Harry Potter as much as me. It's just so magical, everything about it makes me happy; the characters, the creatures, the spells, just everything. I am not even jealous of their fictional lives at all ... nope not one bit.
My little smoosh Zoey was turning 21 and has been asking for ages to go to the Harry Potter Studio tours in Watford. As a surprise me and Michelle booked tickets for us three to go. I am awful at keeping secret, it stresses me out and gives me anxiety but I did it, I am super proud of myself but I did it, FOR 2 AND A HALF MONTHS MAY I ADD. Her reaction was the cutest thing and made it all worth it (the videos on my Instagram). She had full on tears in her eyes and everything. Now that is happiness.
I've been before, but I haven't been in over 4 years and there were so many new things. The Hogwarts express and the new area The Forbidden Forest, it had only been open a week.
The forest was awesome, I won't give too much away encase you're planing on going any time soon ... sorry if you have me on snapchat, I got carried away and probably ruined it for you. It was so cool though, they had Buckbeak, who I couldn't get to stand up so he was bowing at me, so obviously I had to bow back. They have Aragog which is probably the coolest part and I hate spiders. I had to close my eyes on the ride in Florida when he showed up. There's also a little surprise in forest too which I thought completely made it.
Can we just talk a second to appreciate my butter beer ice cream. It was amazing and I got to take the little pot home as a memento.
I am not sure how long this has been open as it wasn't when I last visited but you can now go into the Dursely's house!! There were letters EVERYWHERE!! It was really cleaver and looked absolutely perfect.
We then finished our day with a GBK in the mall close by. I had the satay chicken burger, skinny fries with baconaise. Pure heaven.
I had the best day with my two favorite muggles. If you haven't been to the Harry Potter studio tours I highly recommend going. It look us 3 hours to go round the whole thing and I love every magical second.
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